Saturday, April 17, 2010

Breast Feeding

Breast Feeding

Breat Feeding
Breast feeding practice is followed everywhere in India, except among higher socio- economic groups, who tend to look for alternatives to breast-feeding. Ignorance of the advantages of breast-feeding and the proper method often leads to discontinuation in most cases.

Basic Facts:
  1. The ability of the breasts to produce milk diminishes soon after childbirth, without the stimulation of breast-feeding.
  2. The immunity factors in breast milk can help the body fight off infections.
  3. Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby’s digestion.
  4. Breast and formula feeding can be used together.
Advantages of breast-feeding.
  1. It is the simplest way to feed the baby.
  2. It increases the period of lactation amenonhoes after childbirth.
  3. Breast milk also contains infection-fighting anti-bodies from the mother.
  4. Breast feeding in the initial 4- months of the baby’s life reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby.
  5. The amino acids in breast milk, the building blocks of proteins, are well balanced for the baby. These proteins best aid the baby’s intestinal tract.
  6. The emotional bonding between the baby and mother is strengthened & gives a feeling of satisfaction and achievement to the mother.
  7. It is much cheaper than artificial feeding.

The baby should be put to the breast as soon as possible after birth. The initial yellowish and thick fluid (colostrum) is rich in proteins and protective antibodies. The practice of giving ghutti should be discouraged, because the nourishment of the baby is delayed, increasing chances of infection and delaying the stimulation for milk production.

Some important points:
  1. The mother should sit in a comfortable position, hold the baby in her arms and offer the baby her whole breast & not just the nipple.

  2. The baby should be fed from a different breast each time so that both breasts produce the maximum amount of milk.

  3. The baby should be fed, whenever she is hungry. Before offering the second breast to the baby, it should be ensured that the baby sucks the fat rich hind milk from the first breast.

  4. A daily bath is sufficient to keep the breasts clean.

  5. Frequent cleaning with soap removes the natural oils from the breasts, predisposing the nipples to develop fissures.

  6. Burping the baby after every feed by holding her against the shoulder is advisable.

  7. A mother who is feeding her baby should eat healthy foods to keep up her strength & feed the baby letter.

  8. At times the breasts may feel hot, heavy and hard, due to accumulation of milk.

  9. The mother should be encouraged to let the baby continue to suck for as long as possible.

  10. If still enough milk is not removed, the milk should be squeezed out in a clear (preferably) boiled cup using the thumb and the finger.

  11. A warm compress on the breast or a warm bath is also helpful.

  12. It the baby is fed frequently both during the day and night this condition (engoryememt of breast) is uncommon.

  13. If nipples are cracked and painful, the mother is advised to leave a drop of hind milk on, the nipple after feeding as this helps in healing. Malai can also be can applied.

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